الأحد، 28 أغسطس 2011


A Bat fell to the ground and was caught by a Weasel, and was just going to be killed and eaten when 
 it begged to be let go. The Weasel said he couldn't do that because he was an enemy of all birds on principle. "Oh, but," said the Bat, "I'm not a bird at all: I'm a mouse." "So you are," said the Weasel, "now I come to look at you"; and he let it go. Some time after this the Bat was caught in just the same way by another Weasel, and, as before, begged for its life. "No," said the Weasel, "I never let a mouse go by any chance." "But I'm not a mouse," said the Bat; "I'm a bird." "Why, so you are," said the Weasel; and he too let the Bat go.
  Look and see which way the wind blows before you commit yourself.

الثلاثاء، 31 مايو 2011

The Curse Of The Mummy

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People have always been fascinated by the incredible Egyptian Pyramids . Even today archaeologists with they knew move about the history and the legend behind these amazing stone buildings . Over the years, many strange stories have been told about the pyramids in Egypt . But perhaps the strangest is about the coffin of an Egyptian priestess . Legend has it the young Englishman who was on holiday in Egypt bought her coffin in the 1980s. After buying the coffin . He was seen walking towards the desert  . He never returned . Local people to talk about The Curse of the Mummy .
The coffin was sent to England and was bought by a London businessman who had heard the story of the young Englishman . There are no such things as curses . The young man can't have just disappeared . He must be in the desert somewhere ; he said ! 
However, when three members of the businessman's family were injured in a road accident and his house caught fire, he changed his mind, the coffin must be cursed . I wish I had never bought it, he said . and arranged for the coffin to be sent to the British Museum .
On the morning of the delivery, one of the two workers carrying the coffin fell and broke his leg. The other worker died two days later . Many visitors to the museum had very bad luck after visiting the coffin at the museum. Finally, the coffin was locked in a room in the basement of the museum until it could be sold . Within a week one the workers who had carried the coffin was seriously ill and the other one was found dead at his desk .
In the decade that the coffin was in England . 20 people who had come close to it had either been injured, become ill, or died. Many people wished someone would take the coffin away.
An American archaeologist bought the coffin and arranged to take it back to New York with him . Surely people can't believe in curses - this is the 20th century! he said . In April 1912, the archaeologist and the coffin boarded a brand new luxury ship on it's very first voyage to New York . The name of the ship was Taitanic !!!

Note ; The story is true .

الاثنين، 30 مايو 2011

ديني هو الصحيح ودين غيري باطل !

في مناظرة بين الاستاذين في جامعة أكسفورد وهما الدكتور ريتشارد دوكنز استاذ الاحياء والدكتور جون لينكس استاذ الرياضيات بنفس الجامعة وكان محور المناظرة حول وجود الاله ففي حين ان الدكتور ريتشارد دوكنز صاحب كتاب وهم الاله ينكر وجود ه او على الاقل يرى عدم وجود فرضية تؤكد وجوده يذهب الثاني جون لينكس الى تأكيد وجوده طبقا للتفسير المسيحي لهذا الاله وما يتبع ذلك من خزعبلات التثليث والناسوت واللاهوت التي يؤمن بها أغلب المسيحيين بكل شرائحهم وطبقاتهم بالرغم من صعوبة الاقتناع عقليا بما يذهبون اليه من هذه التفسيرات التي يرفضها العقل والمنطق السوي لأي انسان عاقل.

ما لفت نظري في تلك المناظرة هي علامات الثقة واليقين التي تعبر عنها ابتسامات الثقة المطلقة التي يلمحها المرء على ملامح استاذ الرياضيات جون لينكس وهويدافع عن فرضية وجود الأله حسب الايمان المسيحي التي يؤمن بها كواحد من معتنقي تلك الديانه .

ولكني في نفس الوقت الاحظ تلك الثقة الايمانية ترسم على وجوه كل اصحاب الديانا والمذاهب بلا استثناء بما فيهم المسلمين سنة وشيعه.

فهل هذا يعني ان العقل والمنطق يتوقف عن التفكير تماما لدى الشخص المؤمن مهما كان دينه ومذهبه.

فتراه يحول نصوص دينه ويؤلها تأويل يشئ بالمعجزات المكنونة داخل النصوص بل وتراه يحول التناقضات التي يراها الناس من اتباع الديانات الاخرى في دينة الى اعجازات وبلاغه لا يستطيع بشرا أن يأتي بمثلها كائن من كان.

فهل هذا هو السبب ان اتباع الاديان بكل اطيافها وانواعها يستمرون على الاستماتة بالتمسك بأديانهم مما يجعلهم يتهدجون تأثرا عندما يتلون نصوص اديانهم ووصاياها ويستعرضون سير مؤسسيها.

وهل لهذا السبب استمرت تلك الاديان تتناقلها اجيال الاتباع جيلا وراء جيل يستميتون في الدفاع عنها واتباع تعاليمها وطقوسها حتى الممات.